At first I was hesitant. Kids Meal toys ware rarely of good quality play-wise and durability-wise. The Voltron torso and legs that I got are testament to that. Still, I did text my buddies about it and the reaction was unanimous: they want them! I eventually warmed up to the idea so my friend Nix (with the blessing of his wife) and I decided to go out during our afternoon break to get them toys.
Fast forward to 1515 hours. As a gesture of good will, and since they were planning to order anyway, I asked my other colleagues if they wanted anything from Jollibee. They gave their orders and I ended up doing a mini workout carrying bags of food and drinks and toys. Here's an idea of what they ordered:
The things I do for toys. It's almost insane.
Anyway, I did manage to get me a VF1-S Battroid. As expected, it wasn't transformable. Here's a pic of it in the bag:
Taking it out of the bag, the VF1-S comes with 3 accessories: the rifle cannon, a booster, and a booster with twin cannons
Put them all together, it does make a pretty picture, even with limited articulation.
It's slightly taller than a GI Joe, maybe 3.80 inches.
By the way, the cannon features a trigger that makes a small yellow thing pop out of the barrel ever so slightly to simulate firing energy blasts according to the plastic package. I tried it and what I think it simulates I cannot say here as there may be kids reading this.
Overall, I think it's an ok toy, more suited for guys like me who grew up with this stuff. (First Transformers, then Voltron, now Macross. What's next, Voltes V?)I'm sure by now you will find this toy on display on some office desks, most likely occupied by 20- to 30-something guys and gals who aren't afraid to show off their geek side.
say hello to your new master! -violet