[Quoted from our Tavern Adventurers email group. Pictures are Bryan San Miguel's and mine]
Game Day at the Magallona's.
There were just three of us, Ian, Paul, and I.
Finally got to roleplay again. I ran a game under a new system but we played it old school. No minifigs. No playmats. (well, we did use a playmat but only as a substitute for pen and paper) Just character sheets, dice, and our imagination. No heroic quests to complete, no monsters, no big bad. Also no pictures taken.
The whole game was about two guys, hired to be debt collectors, going about town, having misadventures along the way.
It was... something. But a good something. A great something.
Next we played X-Wing miniatures. 100 point build per faction. Paul and I were playing glorious Empire against Ian and his Rebel scum.
Here's the set-up at the start of the first match.
Ian's team of rebels.
Paul's Tie Phantom and generic TIE Fighter. (more on that generic TIE Fighter later)
And my team of twin TIE Interceptors.
The first game was a shutout in favor of The Empire. The Rebels lost Wedge Antilles' X-Wing early when it accidentally slammed into an asteroid thus, losing its ability to perform actions or shoot and also, if I remember correctly, taking damage from the collision. To make matters worse the X-Wing was in the sights of the twin TIE Interceptors. After a critical hit from one of the Interceptors, the thing that the trilogy could not do happened. Wedge Antilles' X-Wing blew up.
The Tie Phantom and the Generic Tie Fighter, after making baffling 90 degree turns to the left and the right respectively engaged one of the A-Wings who was so befuddled by the maneuver that it got caught in the Phantom's line of fire after the latter did a turn about and the A-Wing was finished off by the Tie Fighter which also made a turn about.
The TIE Interceptors turned to face the E-Wing while the Phantom and Tie Fighter went after the other A-Wing.
Soon after the Rebels lost its other A-Wing. And with the E-Wing facing overwhelming odds the outcome was no surprise.
Three of the four Empire ships gunning for the E-Wing. Not in picture, the other TIE Interceptor, who at this time, we have decided was piloted by a latino gangbanger who drives his ship like he's driving a low-rider. One hand on the reduced sized steering wheel, the other at the back of his head with his head rocking back and forth to the music only he can hear. Orale!
Victory belongs to the Empire!
Paul had to leave after this game so Ian and I decided to play one on one using the same setup.
Round Two! Fight!
The Interceptors go after the A-Wings while the Phantom and Tie Fighter engages the X-Wing and E-Wing.
After the Interceptors failed to destroy one of the A-Wings one of the former fell to the A-Wings guns very early in the game. The X-Wing, piloted by Wedge, obviously still suffering from PTSD from the last game avoids all asteriods and goes straight in a sort of chicken match with the Phantom.
Then the great traffic jam at the middle of nowhere happened. Lots of ships bumping into each other. The E-wing went after the remaining Interceptor and none of the Interceptor pilot's latino swagger could save him from the E-Wing's guns. The empire was down 2 ships to 4. The Tie-Fighter's pilot, as tribute to his fallen latino comrade decides he will fly his ship the way the later did. one hand at the back of his head, nodding to music only he can hear. Orale!
After going back and forth a few times, avoiding the asteroids, Wedge's X-Wing, for a second time in a row, blew up, falling before the Phantom's guns. The Phantom and the E-Wing then got into a game of tag, going round and round an asteroid trying to catch the other in their gun-sights. The Tie Phantom made a tactical error and got caught in the cross-fire between the A and E-Wing. It was now 2 against 1. And the Empire's remaining ship was just a generic Tie Fighter.
Out-gunned but determined (and with one hand still at the back of his head) and with the A-Wing on his tail, Tie Fighter pilot decides to make a daring two turn that almost hits, but not quite, the E-Wing.
This maneuver apparently so unnerved the E-Wing pilot that it moved infront of the Tie Fighter, exposing its back-side to the Tie Fighter's cannons. Orale!
Only two fighters remain. The A-Wing hot on the heels of the Tie Fighter. The A-Wing turns to put the Tie Fighter into its sights, The latter moves forward and makes a turnabout. They now face each other head on. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on who you root for, the Tie Fighter, like Han, SHOOTS FIRST.
Boom goes the dynamite! Orale!
There goes one epic game into the books.
And that is how it went. Chatted with the Magallona's a bit and then I went home, at around 1 in the morning.
This was waiting for me:
And that's when I knew that I did good.
Maraming salamat kay Ian and Rita, your game days are always fun. Also for the coffee.
Tara, laro tayo uli.
Check out Bryan's Tumblr post at http://bryansm.tumblr.com/post/116801401815/game-day-april-18-2015-played-some-rpg-then#notes

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